Friday, February 4, 2011


We had an appointment today with the ear, nose, and throat doctor for little Sammy, to check on his progress and see what was going on with the paralyzed vocal cord. Dr. scoped him (put scope up his nose to go down the throat - which they had to change to just down his throat -- apparently he has a narrow nose). Dr. took a look during a big scream from Sammy - who didn't appreciate any of this very much at all - and said both cords were moving!!! Yeah - no more paralyzed vocal cord! John and I both breathed a sign of relief. We went from having a pile of questions about possible speech therapy, MRI's, surgery, etc. to being extremely relieved. Dr said it resolved itself and is moving just fine!! YEAH Sammy!!

We are still dealing with Mr Samuel not sleeping in his crib at night at all -- preferring to sleep upright on Mommy on the couch. We are also dealing with some reflux issues and official diagnosis of colic, but hopefully these things will heal with time. I can deal with all of this though as my big concern was his vocal cord issue and this is resolved!!! He really is a happy little guy when he is feeling good with some gorgeous smiles!

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