Monday, September 20, 2010

Nesting Syndrome has Set In!!

Well, nesting has set in. Even though we have 2 months left, I feel the need to go through all bags, boxes, clothes, baby things, and get them ready. The nursery is painted, crib mostly put together, and furniture starting to move in. I've started laundry and moving blankets into the baby's room. Considering I want a Christmas tree up and most of the Christmas shopping done & presents wrapped before we go into the hospital, I figured I better get a good start on it.

Had another dr's appt last Monday and everything is looking good. Did the glucose test for gestational diabetes, which came back normal -- no more of that icky stuff. Blood pressure was awesome at 100/64. Weight is FINALLY up...every other appointment up until now I've lost weight, but came back with a vengence this time around -- up 7 pounds. Yikes! Now we start our every 2-week appointments. I can't believe 9 weeks from Wednesday we will be welcoming our new little one! I even think Thomas is getting excited...

But I think he's more excited about his upcoming birthday!!! On Thursday John and I will have a 2-year-old. I can't believe it! He's such a little man :-) and a little sweetie...although he is definitely hitting the "terrible 2's". Even at his worst though, he is an absolute joy and we still treasure it :-) ...but he could definitely quit saying "I don't wanna"

1 comment:

Erin Nelon said...

Time certainly has flown by! :) After talking to your Mom the other night I don't think you will have to worry about not getting some Thanksgiving turkey. :) We are going to have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.