Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Pictures of our little Walker

I love Mommy & Daddy's cooking - especially if it's hot dogs and baked beans!!

I'm coming to get that camera!!

I'll get it - I'll use my cuteness if I have to!

I told you I'd get it. It's going to be mine!!

Chillin' with daddy.

I know someone's behind this door...

Do you like my new toy? I do!! I've been wearing Mommy and Daddy out running up and down the hallway...but they love it!

I'm not sure what I'm up to - but it has to be something no good.

So innocent and cute!!! (Mommy just loves this picture)

Squeaky clean.

Here are the new pictures - as promised! These are all from the last month or so.

We are all doing well. Thomas had his first steps yesterday (see previous post). He's getting so big!! He's very smart and already adding little words to his vocabulary. I'm pretty sure he said "up" to me today wanting me to hold him. Sunday marked his 11-month birthday. I can't believe in 1 month we'll have a 1-year-old!!!!

We'll have to see how the next couple of weeks go. I am having gallbladder surgery on Wednesday morning - they tell me it's an outpatient surgery - better be. For someone who works with doctors and in the medical field, I absolutely HATE everything to do with it! Hopefully it will all go smooth and I'll be home and healed before I know it! I'm freaking out a bit though so keep your fingers crossed. At least I know I have a great husband who will take care of me and I'm lucky he's an excellent daddy and will keep our little guy safe and happy. Anyway, we'll try to make some updates a little more often. Take care all!


Erin Nelon said...

He is getting so big, and he looks very happy. :-) Must be the wonderful Mom and Dad he has. So hard to believe he is going to be a year old soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm sure the surgery will go just fine. Best wishes! Love, Aunt Susan