Sunday, May 17, 2009

We have Forward Momentum!!

Yesterday (Saturday) Thomas figured out that crawling can take you forward as well. He has been crawling and scooting on the floor for the last couple of weeks, but only backwards. Yesterday we had the first official crawling movements!!! Mommy and Daddy were both there to witness it as well.

I can't believe how fast this first year is going and how big he is getting. He has now also officially outgrown his infant car seat. We spent Saturday buying new car seats for the vehicle - realizing that this car seat will work until he was 4' 4" tall. John was blown away thinking that Thomas would one day be that big!!!


Erin Nelon said...

Way to go, Thomas. They certainly do grow up way to fast. After Isaiah turns eight this year he will no longer need his booster will be very odd to say the least not having to have one for him.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are wonderful! What a little cutie. Loved the pictures with Lonnie and Jill as well. Can't wait to see all of you.

Lots of love, Aunt Susan