Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Pics of Thomas

Here are some more pictures of Thomas. (4 weeks old)

Thomas also is paying more attention or noticing PorkChop running around the house - PorkChop has certainly noticed him and always runs around when Tom is crying. I think he has done really well adjusting to the little baby. It's a big adjustment for us all.

He also met his Great-Grandpa & Great-Grandma Nelson this weekend and his great uncle Leslie, who all came to visit. We brought him to the doctor again for a weight this week as well - he is now weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz so we are almost back to birth weight. I think we are also on the verge of a smile :-) Hopefully we'll catch one soon and get it on film to share!!

Thomas also went with Mommy this week to visit her work - so he is making his way out in the world. This weekend we plan on visit his Grandma & Grandpa Nelson's. That will be an adventure going on his first 2 1/2 hr drive. Hopefully all will go well.

1 comment:

Erin Nelon said...

I hope everything went well this weekend. :) Thomas certainly looks like a little cuddler and Great Grandma looks very proud. :)