Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Another Dr Appt

We had another dr's appt yesterday. Once again, thankfully, we are "boringly normal on paper". Dr. Eighan says we are doing really good. All of my labs from my glucose test came back perfect. Blood pressure and everything else is fitting into the charts perfectly. As he said, "My numbers are spot on". My weight is up - so baby is gaining weight just fine now after getting a slower start. My total weight gain for this baby is now up to 6 pounds - after getting a slow start after losing 10 pounds right away. Not too shabby. We now start our appointments every 2 weeks and this afternoon go to the hospital to get a tour. Tomorrow marks us at 30 weeks!!!! It's going so fast - although I'm getting pretty uncomfortable now and ready to be done - plus I can't wait to see, hold, and kiss our baby!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to read this good report. I too, can't wait to see, hold and kiss the baby!

Anonymous said...

Gee are you lucky only gaining 6 pounds. By the time I was 7 months pregnant I already gained 25 pounds. Of course I ate about 4 hostess cupcakes every day. The thought of eating them now makes me sick.

Unknown said...

Hostess cupcakes sound pretty good!!! No cupcakes for me yet - but I have had Swiss Cake Rolls quite often and HUGE cravings for chocolate covered doughnuts. In fact, I think I will have to run up to the gas station and get one!! The other day I thought I was so nice I got a doughnut for me and for John. Ate mine and then asked John if he wanted his - and ate most of his too!!! I can't imagine that happening unless I was pregnant :-) John doesn't part with food very much