Friday, October 31, 2008


We are back from Grandpa & Grandma Nelson's and Tom did a great job with the car ride and with being in a new place. It was great to see my parents and get spoiled a little ourselves. Tom had his first official babysitter and we had our first official date since he was born, even if it was just to Wal-Mart and out to lunch. It was great to have a little help with Tom and catch up on a little zzzz's. Grandma & Grandpa were great and certainly are smitten to their new grandson...and completely adjusted to the new roles of grandparents :-)

Hunting Season

Is someone going to take me hunting or what???? I all dressed up for nothing???

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Pics of Thomas

Here are some more pictures of Thomas. (4 weeks old)

Thomas also is paying more attention or noticing PorkChop running around the house - PorkChop has certainly noticed him and always runs around when Tom is crying. I think he has done really well adjusting to the little baby. It's a big adjustment for us all.

He also met his Great-Grandpa & Great-Grandma Nelson this weekend and his great uncle Leslie, who all came to visit. We brought him to the doctor again for a weight this week as well - he is now weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz so we are almost back to birth weight. I think we are also on the verge of a smile :-) Hopefully we'll catch one soon and get it on film to share!!

Thomas also went with Mommy this week to visit her work - so he is making his way out in the world. This weekend we plan on visit his Grandma & Grandpa Nelson's. That will be an adventure going on his first 2 1/2 hr drive. Hopefully all will go well.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mommy is happy!!!

Mommy is thrilled - she waited for a while until her incision was healed a little, but today she fit into her pre-pregnancy clothes!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Thomas got his first piece of delivered mail today. It's a little bench that he got from Mommy's work.

Friday, October 17, 2008

More Pictures...

New Pictures

Figured it had been a while - I have some new pictures of Thomas with me, Grandpa, and with Daddy (in this post and the one prior). I can't believe it, but Tom will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday. It's gone so quickly!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

2 weeks old

Thomas and I had our 2 week checks today. Tom is now 8 lbs 1 oz after dropping almost a pound after he was born. He has also grown 3/4 of an inch and is 20 3/4 inches. Other than not being back to his original birth weight, Thomas is doing wonderfully. The doctor said everything looks good and he is doing really well. I also had my check today and everything is looking good. While Thomas is busy gaining, I'm busy losing! I have lost all of my pregnancy weight and am down 6 pounds from my starting weight! I'm just thrilled! Other than lifting restrictions and a few others, I am able to do whatever I am up for now. So all in all a great visit to the doctor today.

PS - Dr Eighan was pretty excited to see John with a baby in his arms rather than his "PDA phone". :-)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thomas & Daddy taking a nap

New Pictures

Here are some pictures of Thomas's debut (nothing gross I promise). They include his first meeting with Mommy and Daddy and some of his first experiences. Enjoy!!!