Saturday, August 23, 2008

Patiently Waiting...

Another doctor's visit done. John was in the middle of posting from his phone and the nurse finally came to get us at our last visit. He figured he had time since we had been sitting there for almost an hour. Luckily I had found an interesting pregnancy magazine and didn't even notice. Another visit under our belts and everything is still "boringly normal", just how we like it. Baby's heart beat was 147 bpm. My blood pressure was good at 130/72 and weight was actually down 2 pounds this time - making my total weight for the pregnancy 6 pounds gained - which is all baby!!!! We have our next appointment in 2 weeks and then will start our weekly visits. The doctor informed us if I go into labor now, if they can't stop it with a shot, they'll just let me go and we can welcome our little bundle. Our next appointment will be on September 4 so we are anxiously awaiting that. I'm also looking forward to my upcoming baby shower on September 6th, which should be a great time to see friends and family and celebrate!!! So we just patiently wait... and try to get things ready for the little one. :-)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

North Carolina Visit & Another Dr's Appt

Got back from North Carolina on Monday evening after visiting my brother and Erin, the new baby, and her kids. It was a blast...after getting out of the car!! None of us were really fond of the drive, but it wasn't too bad actually - once we were through the mountains anyway! Amara is such a good baby! Dad spent the entire day in the pool catching Isaiah (Erin's oldest) and quickly adjusted to the grandpa role! It was great to see everyone and can't wait to see them again!

Back again from the doctor's office...and once again everything is going "boringly normal", which we love to hear. I gained 1 pound over the last 2 weeks, blood pressure is 130/70, and baby's heartbeat is 140 beats/minute. Dr says everything is going perfect and looks really, really good. So far, so good. I have been feeling pretty good lately, just tired like normal and have been diligently watching the Olympics. The baby also enjoyed it's first Vikings game on Friday night (even though we lost) - but we made sure to sing the Skol Vikings song for it's little ears to hear - I also said the baby had to get used to hearing that song :-)